Greta Warren

About me

I’m a Postdoc in the CopeNLU group at the University of Copenhagen. I work with Prof. Isabelle Augenstein and Prof. Irina Shklovski on the ERC-funded ExplainYourself project, researching human-centred explanations for automated fact-checking.

My research is interdisciplinary and draws from cognitive psychology, computer science and human-computer interaction. My primary research interests are in eXplainable AI (XAI), human-AI interaction, fact-checking and explanatory reasoning.

I completed my PhD in the School of Computer Science and Insight Centre for Data Analytics, University College Dublin, supervised by Prof. Mark Keane and Prof. Ruth Byrne. My doctoral research examined the efficacy of counterfactual explanations in explainable AI, taking a human-centred approach to explaining AI system decisions grounded in cognitive psychology.

I hold a B.A. (Hons) in Psychology from Trinity College Dublin, and I worked as a research assistant in Trinity College Institute of Neuroscience prior to beginning my PhD. I also speak Irish (Gaeilge), the native and official language of Ireland (along with almost 2 million other people!).
